Saturday, December 19, 2020

50th Hits & Misses: Mortal Kombat

Real Talk: Before diving into the Resident Evil series I wanna review the one video game adaptation film that was actually good back when Paul W.S. Anderson actually gave a damn. Instead of making shallow in-name garbage while shacking up with a certain actress that I have a perpetual stink eye for. And in case you're wondering no I won't be reviewing Monster Hunter.

Hit: This film's theme music....

Hit: And sense I'm here, this film's soundtrack.

Hit: This film's opening title sequence.

Hit: I think they made a good choice casting Cary-Hiroyuki Tagawa as Shang Tsung.

Hit: Trevor Goddard as Kano was just too good, so good in fact that Midway Games/NetherRealm Studios changed Kano in the later games to match with the film version.

Real Talk: Although it's a real shame that Trevor Goddard isn't around to reprise the role in the current MK games. God rest his soul.

Hit: Also credit to the make-up department for Kano's half metal face.

Real Talk: *Johnny Cage leaving a movie set.* Discount Steven Spielberg?

Miss: Movie doesn't fully explain/establish how the fighters were chosen to participate in the tournament. They're either hand picked through deception by Shang Tsung or in Liu Kang's case he up and volunteers to participate the tournament.     

Hit: It's no coincidence that they cast Christopher Lambert to play an immortal bad ass. 

Hit: The some of the special effects weren't exactly on the levels of Jurassic Park but it beats the shoestring effects from every Asylum movie. 

Real Talk: Originally Cameron Diaz was casted to play Sonya Blade before being replaced due to an injury. To be honest I'm glad they went for a different actress for Sonya Blade. Not saying Cameron Diaz is terrible but back in 1995 I just don't see her as Sonya.

Hit: You can tell they spared no expense when it came to the set designs and locations.

Hit: Say what you will but at least this movie attempted at staying accurate story-wise with the source material. Unlike that previous fighting game adaptation film which disregard the source material for the sake of being just another over the top action flick. 

Hit: Raiden talking to Liu Kang, Johnny and Sonya: "One of you will decide the out come of the tournament. The faith of billions will depend upon you." *laughs* "Sorry..." 

Miss: Not gonna lie the effects for the Reptile creature was really meh.

Miss: *Shang Tsung's lackeys removed all the dining tables to make room for Sub Zero's demostration.* What a waste of all that food.

Hit: *Sub Zero uses a fatality move on a lackey whom explodes into chunklets.*

Hit: Goro is by far the best practical effects ever done in this film. 

Hit: Also he actually does things in this movie unlike some other four armed character in the sequel who does absolutely nothing until she's killed off.

Miss: In most tournament based action movies like Bloodsport there's always a bracket system to keep score on the winning fighters. Here there's no such system, so how does Shang Tsung keep track on all the winning and lost fighters in this tournament?  

Hit: Shang Tsung absorbing the soul from a defeated fighter: "Your soul is mine..." That line with that face.

Hit: Kano talking to Sonya: "Ello baby... Did you miss me?"

Hit: Sonya's hand stand leg lock move!

Hit: Kano while in Sonya's leg lock: "Oh give me a break!" Sonya: "OK..." *Snaps his neck.* Not a very good choice of words.

Miss: I love the effects of  Scorpion's spear move but why did they changed it from a kunai attached to a rope to some weird bird-serpent thing?

Hit: *Johnny Cage vs Scorpion* Ed Boon provided Scorpion's voice for his famous phrase, "GET OVER HERE!!!" And some other phrases in the film.

Hit: Johnny's Shadow Kick move!

Hit: Both the Johnny vs Scorpion and Liu Kang vs Reptile fights are the best ones in the movie. The soundtrack for both these fights helps too.

Hit: Scorpion's TOASTY move!

Real Talk: I really can't blame the film for being PG-13 for all it's worth.

Miss: At least we're shown Johnny brought some extra clothes, probably. But where did Sonya get the tank top and the shorts? She didn't bring any baggage when she was chasing after Kano on to Shang Tsung's ship.

Hit: *Johnny does his Nut Cracker Punch on Goro.* Yeah I know, you can't actually do the Nut Cracker Punch on Goro in the games. But honestly does it really matter?

Hit/LOL: Johnny talking to Goro: "Those were $500 sunglasses, asshole."

Miss:  The Reptile creature grabbed by some weird statue then transforms into Reptile from the first game. Now how or why did that happened, no idea.

Miss: Liu Kang doesn't yell his signature "YOGOLBOLGOLBODOGODO"  when doing his Bicycle Kick on Reptile.

Miss: I know Shang Tsung's back was turned but I still call bullshit of Liu Kang not noticing him shapeshifted right in front of him.

Hit: *Shang Tsung falls to his death of the pit of spikes like in the first game.*

Miss: Liu Kang: "Flawless Victory..." Ugh actually Shang Tsung hit you plenty of times before you defeated him. 

Miss: And here the movie ends on a sequel bait which leads to a really disappointed sequel.

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