Thursday, June 7, 2018

Hits & Misses: X-Men Apocalypse

Hit: I see that the Fox logo still does that thing when it fades to black except for the X.

Hit: Still using the theme music from X-2 I see, good for them.

Hit: Ally Sheedy? Is the rest of the Breakfast Club cast here too?

Miss: Why is Storm’s hair started off black but then goes white by Apocalypse? Did the filmmakers really had to explain why her hair is white? It’s not dye she’s naturally born with white hair. STORM’S HAIR GOES WHITE OUT OF NOWHERE!

Hit: Although I will give credit to the actress portraying Storm attempting at a decent African accent.

Miss: Apocalypse learns to speak English and what the world has become via mind-melding with a TV. Discount Ultron?

Miss: Charles Xavier is a pervert.

Real Talk: Moira MacTaggert has a son….. Proteus? Fingers crossed.

Hit: This is the only movie where Cyclops and Havok have a few scenes together, better enjoy it while it last.

Hit: Hi Blob

Miss: Bye Blob

Miss: When did Warren (Angel) ever have these claw thingies coming out of his wings?

Hit: This is the only movie where Mystique and Nightcrawler share some scenes together. And yes I understand that in the movie-verse it’s never established that Mystique is Nightcrawler’s mother, I’m not that nitpicky.

Hit: Caliban

Real Talk: I was skeptical about Olivia Munn as Psylocke mainly because I’ve never seen her act outside of Attack of the Show. But in all fairness she was OK at times, although I think she could’ve use some more development than just being Caliban’s bodyguard before joining Apocalypse.

Hit: Discount Beastmaster

Miss: Magneto just can’t get a break at a normal life.

Miss: If Magneto can manipulate the magnetic fields on a global scale why the hell he could’ve do that in the first X-Men trilogy? He would’ve got the world on its knees within hours.

Hit: Professor X: “Wreak Havok”

Miss: Havok is dead and that sucks.

Miss: Colonel Stryker had all of these mutants rightfully for the taken after the school explodes but only takes Beast, Mystique and Quicksilver.

Miss: They have Jubilee in the movie yet she has next to nothing to do nor is she in the final battle of the movie. UNACCEPTABLE!

Hit: Weapon X is unleashed and cleans house.

Hit/LOL: Cyclops: “Hope we don’t see him again” If you only knew Scott, if you only knew.

Miss: It’s been spoiled in the trailers that Quicksilver is Magneto’s son yet Quicksilver never tells him.

Miss: Apparently Apocalypse doesn’t have mind-control powers when he imbues his disciples. Because how else Magneto and Storm were able to betray him on a whim?

Hit: Nice to see the filmmakers learned their lesson from X-3 by having actual effects for the Phoenix Force instead of just making Jean Discount Evil Willow…..again.

Miss: Throughout the movie Apocalypse is never referred or called Apocalypse. I mean yeah it’s not exactly his real name but En Sabah Nur just doesn’t sound as menacing as Apocalypse.

Miss: This better be the Danger Room because where the hell did they get these Sentinels.

Hit: Sinister approaches…...

BONUS ROUND: Now I know the new trilogy doesn’t necessarily connect with the old one, but I gotta get this off my chest.....just for fun.

Miss: If Scott, Jean and Nightcrawler have been at the Alkali Lake base before then why don't they remember back in X-2?

Miss: If Wolverine has met Jean, Scott and Nightcrawler back at the Alkali Lake base then why doesn’t he remember them back in X-1 and X-2?

Miss: If Nightcrawler and Mystique met each other before why don’t they remember each other back in X-2?

Miss: Jubilee must have the same Wolverine Anti-aging Factor because how else can you explain how she’s able to stay so ridiculous young from the 80s all the way to the early 2000s (the first X-Men Trilogy)?

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