Friday, June 29, 2018

Hits & Misses: Doom

DISCLAIMER: This movie is a bit of a guilty pleasure to me. Yeah it's flawed as fuck but there were some enjoyment I got from it.

Miss: Narration.

Miss: *A bunch of scientist running in a dark as fuck corridor.*  Pro tip to all filmmakers, just because your movie's suppose to be dark doesn't mean it has to be visually dark.

Hit: Movie uses the same title font design from the games.

Hit: The Rock!

Real Talk: Good to know that in the future 8-bit video games still exist.

Real Talk: Portman, the correct term you're looking for is Ladyboys, get it right.

Hit: I'll be honest, having an ensemble characters kinda helps the movie rather than being just the one main protagonist who shoots demons and doesn't talk at all.

Miss: OK is this a rookie thing, why's the new recruit called "The Kid"? Compare to the nicknames of the other marines "The Kid" just sucks.

Hit: Duke: "It goes like this see, if it's trying to kill ya it's a threat." Make sense to me.

Hit: Pinky

Hit: "Killcams"

Miss: *Portman being a perv to the ladies.* How did this dude got in to the R.R.T.S. (Rapid Response Tactical Squad)?

Real Talk: *An armed team moving around in dark areas with creatures lurking about.* With an overhaul of rewrites this can be a better Resident Evil than the ones we ended up with.

Hit: The BFG!

Miss: Sadly it's behind a locked door....for now.

Miss: Why would Sam Grimm ever work at the same dig site where her parents died? Either she has some excellent therapy or she doesn't give that much of a fuck about her parents?

Miss: Just saying it right now, instead being a gate that unintentionally becomes a portal to hell it's alien chromosome experiments gone wrong. Why exactly they went with this when they have good source materials? They could've still have the portal-to-hell plot going for them.

Miss: *Portman gives Kid a couple of drugs.* Again, how did this dude got in to the R.R.T.S.?

Miss: *Goat cuts a cross in arm for "taking the lord's name in vain"* Now how did this dude got in to the R.R.T.S.?!

Hit: Naked, Genetically, Crazed Zombie Chick!

Miss: *Dr Carmack keeps repeating "shut it down" to Sam* That line would've made sense if there was a hell-portal in the movie. But since there isn't one it just comes off as misleading and pointless.

Miss: They shot the shit out of that poor little monkey.

Miss: Carmack is practically mutating in the open yet Sam and another scientist don't just quarantine him.

Miss: Mutating Carmack pulls a Batman without being Batman.

LOL: Sewer Level!

Miss: Wanna know if one of the main characters gonna die? If they're all by themselves after being split up.

Miss: Goat sees some creepily lit eyes and the first thing he does is calling out to see if it's one of the missing scientists.

Hit: *Duke hitting on Sam* At least Duke got some game unlike Portman who is just a creeper.

Miss: Portman: "It's standard operating procedure to call in reinforcements." Sarge: "We are...the reinforcements." You are? Was there already a R.R.T.S. team before you guys? The fuck are you talking about Sarge?

Miss: Jump Scare....   

Miss: *Mac literally gets his head knocked off by a creature* Farewell Mac, I barely knew your character.

Hit: BFG Acquired!

Hit: That music when the BFG's revealed.

Hit: Destroyer vs Hell Knight

Hit/LOL: Oh Pinky, you cheeky bastard.

Miss: Oh yeah let's inject a murder convict with some alien chromosome. What could possibly go wrong?

Miss: Reaper: "It's this place, it's hell, it always has." Well if Mars had a hell-portal you'd be right but it doesn't.

Miss: *The Hell Knight cutting through the Arc door with just a chainsaw.* That chainsaw must be made out of Adamantium, otherwise that shouldn't work.

Miss: Sarge has been told that not everyone can get infected but he still kills anyone in sight. Lazy heel turns are lazy.

Miss: So the Hell Knight followed Pinky through the arc yet he wasn't the first to get killed/infected. How fucking convenient.

Miss: Bye Duke....

Hit: First Person Shooter Action Scene! I don't care if it looks cheesy as fuck this is the closest thing to an actual Doom movie.

LOL: Mutating Sarge: "Semper Fi...Motherfucker!"

Hit: Reaper vs Mutating Sarge

Real Talk: The funniest thing, despite the flaws I'm still waiting for a sequel.   

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