Tuesday, February 14, 2023

Hits & Misses: House of the Dead 2

Real Talk: Despite Uwe Boll having no involvement with this sequel, it still turns out to be shit.

Miss: *Some rando frat boys raided some rando sorority house with super soakers.* Because that what was missing from the House of the Dead games, apparently.

Miss: They dragged Sid Haig into this piece of shit.

Hit: Also, Ladies and Gentlemen Mr. Sid Haig, god rest his soul.

Miss: Was there a reason why Professor Curien had to stripe this one dead college girl naked? All he did afterwards was injecting her in the arm with a special serum. It just feels deeply unnecessary and exploitive. Now I'm all for nudity as much as the next person but there needs to a reason/point for it.

Miss: Naked Zombie College Girl pulls a Batman without being Batman.

Miss: After the start of a zombie outbreak via opening credits, movie cuts to 29 days later with main character Alex on a dinner date. Consistent tone, how do?

Miss: Also there's no way this outbreak is contain in this one college campus during and/or after those 29 days. Were the zombies too lazy to stroll into town or something?

Miss: Stereotypical French chefs are stereotypical.

Hit: Oh hey it's Nathan Stark from Eureka.

Miss: So there's been reports of outbreaks and the whole of city hasn't gone to shit how?

Miss: Alex doesn't move the waiter away from infected French chef before turning into a zombie and bites the waiter. For someone who kills zombies as job you would think she do better than warning people to get away from an infected person.

Miss: So the colonel in charge of AMS is played by the same actress (Ellie Cornell) from the first movie. Even has the same last name Casper and is an amputee. So am I suppose to believe that the Casper from the first HOTD movie went from harbor patrol to a colonel in the two years between movies? Either way movie did a piss poor job to established that.

Miss: Movie's trying too hard to be like Starship Troopers with the co-ed shower/looker room.

Hit: Alex side boob

Miss: Oh god they dragged Dan Southworth into this garbage.

Hit: Also, Ladies and Gentlemen Mr. Dan "Vergil" Southworth.

Miss: *Nakagawa (Southworth's character) does a stupid by fighting a zombie hand to hand. Only to end up bitten on the hand doing a grapple move.* Well that was a waste of Southworth's time.

Miss: *Griffin spots a "survivor" and just assumes it's not a zombie because "they don't read".* Oh yes, this one college kid calmly sitting in a dark library in the middle of an outbreak raising no suspicions at all. These special forces guys sure are the best. 

Hit: Half Naked Zombie Chick

Miss: *Bart tries to get Henson to take a picture of himself with the dead half naked zombie woman. Then contemplates on whether or not to "stick his dick in her".* The special forces requirements/processing are either lacking in professional etiquette or just run by fucked up creepos. 

Miss: *Instead of keep moving with the rest of the group, Griffin decides to split off to investigate a noise elsewhere. Only to eventually get killed by zombies.* Nice going jackass...

Miss: *Movie reveals that before Rudy and Alicia (from the first movie) returned to the mainland, Rudy injects Alicia with Castillo's serum to revived her. But eventually she turns and kills Rudy while his father Roy Curien kept her captive for his experiments.* OK one problem, Alicia was just find at the end of the first movie; despite the fact she was stabbed in the chest. Also when did Rudy got a hold of Castillo's serum? His lab got blown up after Rudy and Alicia escape. And what made Rudy think the serum would heal Alicia and not turn her into a monster in the process?

Real Talk: With Alex and Ellis obtaining a blood sample from zombie Alicia the movie will go out of its way to have dumb situations happen.

Real Talk: After all the trouble of getting the right blood sample for a cure, Ellis loses the sample after a zombie grabs his back pouch doing the escape.

Real Talk/Sarcasm: After what happened last time you'd think they get multiple blood samples just in case? But I'm sure Alex and Ellis will escape with the ONE blood sample this time. 

Miss/Sarcasm: *After Ellis hands over the blood sample to Bart, Alex shoots him behind. But Bart set off a grenade, killing himself and destroying the blood sample.* Oh no, that ONE blood sample got destroyed and the building where zombie Alicia was kept got bombed so they can't go back again. So now humanity is screwed thanks to Alex and Ellis being too stupid to obtain more than one blood sample. Good work guys... 

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