Sunday, March 20, 2022

Hits & Misses: Within The Rock

Real Talk: Minus the killer space monster, Armageddon totally ripped off this movie.

Real Talk: "Earth 2019 A.D." This movie had no idea of the real threat coming in 2020.

Hit: Special/visual effects were pretty decent for a movie from 1996.

Hit: Credit for the set designs.

Real Talk: Oh hey it's Leo from Charmed.

Miss: Ryan, king scumbag of the universe.

Real Talk: Did Armageddon had characters drilling into the asteroid with metal music playing in the background? No it did not....   

Real Talk: *Potter checking on the atmosphere processor.* Does the film take place in the same universe as Aliens?

Real Talk: One of the main characters goes by the nickname Nuke em. Was the director a Duke Nukem fan? 

Hit: Ryan tries to sweet talk with Dana but she ain't having that shit.

Hit: *As the atmosphere generator powers down, the creature slowly regenerates back to life.* Really juicy practical effects.  

Miss: Now how did this creature manage to prop Potter back in the same position he was after chewing his face off?

Hit: Impressive creature design and has a nifty camouflage. 

Miss: It's the next shift and no one notice that Potter and Banton have not been around anywhere.

Miss: Ryan shoots the creature only to have no effect, so he shoots it again only to get hit by the ricochets. Dumbass..... 

Miss: The creature just leaves Ryan for some reason.

Real Talk: How convenient for an ancient race leaving a warning in primitive binary code for the main characters to learn about the creature.

Miss: Instead of double tapping the creature from a safe distance, Nuke em decides to move in for a closer look. Allowing the creature to grab her once it recovered.

Hit: But in hindsight we get a gruesome death scene as Nuke em goes for her drill gun only to shoot herself in the head accidentally in the struggle. Having the drill bit digging into her head until she dies. 

Miss: *Luke tries to fight the creature with a pickaxe but gets stabbed in the gut.* My friend I understand it killed your crush (Nuke em) but maybe think up a better idea than just attacking the thing head on.

Hit: Archer rams the creature with the rover: "Well screw you, too!" That definitely sounds like a John Carpenter's The Thing reference. 

Miss: Does Ryan not notice the creature that Dana and Cody are trying to kill? Why is he trying to kill them instead of helping them?

Hit: *Dana and Cody guts the creature with the drill head while metal music's playing in the background.* Was the director a Doom fan?

Hit: Also nice gore effects....

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