Saturday, May 30, 2020

Hits & Misses: Morgan

This isn't a miss on the movie perse, this is a miss on the movie's trailer for being a complete lie. What the trailer implied is that Morgan develops some type of psychic powers over time, becoming uncontrollable. But upon watching the movie it turns out she just goes kill crazy, absolutely no psychic powers were displayed through the whole movie.

Hit: *Kathy gets stabbed in the eye by Morgan.* This movie wastes no time at all.

Hit: Kate Mara's kinda cute with short hair.

Miss: Hey isn't that Skip character played by that guy from The Predator (2018)? That movie is still disappointing.

Real Talk: Kathy talking to Lee: "You're a liar. There's a smile on your face but I can tell what you are. You're a goddamned assassin." I'm sure it's just the meds talking, this isn't foreshadowing at all.

Hit: Oh hey, Arnim Zola!

Miss: From what Ziegler's describing, it sounds like Morgan's a Discount Blade Runner Replicant. And that's a bit on the nose considering that Ridley Scott was one of the producers of this movie.

Miss: Everyone keeps saying "Lee Weathers from corporate" when the movie established that she's from SynSect. Is it really that hard to say "Lee Weathers from SynSect"?

Real Talk: The actress playing Amy looks a lot like Selma Blair, it's kinda weird.

Hit: Lee: "So did Darren and Brenda, did they pair up early?" Skip: "Pretty early, I guess. After he got tired of chasing after Amy." Not sure if that was an intended Chasing Amy reference but I'm counting it.

Miss: *Dr. Shapiro wants to talk to Morgan on the other side of the glass, completely disregarding the safety precautions. due to recent events* Well I don't see nothing that'll go horribly wrong here. I mean yeah the guy's just doing his job but still.  

Real Talk: At the start of the movie the psychologist is named Dr. Ben Shapiro yet when I'm looking on Wikipedia and IMDB his name is Dr. Alan Shapiro. Not really a miss just find it rather confusing.

Miss: So is the movie trying to established that Morgan can read minds I guess? I'm really not getting that impression from the plot and the scientists who created her aren't even acknowledging this aside from "she's special". 

Miss/Sarcastic: *Dr. Shapiro pressures Morgan with hypothetical questions until she gets agitated and viciously attacks him.* This movie isn't ripping off the Voigt-Kampff scene at the beginning of Blade Runner, nope that's just silly.

Miss: *The power to the lab miraculously shuts off while Morgan closes her eyes as that happens.* Again I'm not getting the impression of these ambiguous abilities that Morgan may or may not have. And once again the scientists are being oblivious about it. Am I supposed to assume that artificially created humans developed superpowers happens all the time with these people? Because that would be nice for the movie to establish in the story. 

Miss: None of scientists don't want to terminated Morgan but instead they packed up everything and tried leave with Morgan. I understand that these guys care for Morgan but judging from the trailer I doubt she'll return the same kindness.

Miss: Case in point... *Morgan attacks Darren and then kills him with an injection.*

Miss: And of course one of the scientists hesitates to shoot Morgan. Common sense, survival instincts, what are those?

Hit: Gotta give credit to Brenda trying to actually stop Morgan instead of hesitating like an idiot.

Miss: The movie reveals that Morgan can't move beyond her weaponized design parameters despite the scientists trying to promote emotional intelligence, which explains why she's going kill crazy. So what's with the movie and the trailer giving confusingly vague implications of Morgan having superpowers? Whoever was in charge of scriptwriting or post-production must've got really confused on what story to go with. 

Miss: Dead Arnim Zola, no idea why killed himself but here he is just hung himself.

Miss/Sarcastic: *Morgan and Dr. Cheng have a talk before Morgan kills her creator.* This movie isn't ripping off the scene of Roy Batty talking to Tyrell before he kills his creator, nope that's just silly.

Miss: Hell both scenes features the creations giving their creators a kiss before killing them. 

Miss: Might as well go all the way with Lee becoming a Blade Runner out to "retire" Morgan.

Real Talk: I don't mean to be making comparisons to Blade Runner but that's the vibe I keep getting from this movie. I wouldn't be surprised if they took some concepts from Blade Runner.

Hit: Lee vs Morgan

Hit: Kinda getting a Noomi Rapace vibe from Lee in this fight scene.

Miss: What was the point of Lee killing Skip and Amy? SynSect probably ordered her to kill the people of the L-9 project but still.

Hit: Not gonna lie the reveal of Lee being an L-4 was a nice, subtle touch.

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