Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Everyone IS ready for a female superhero movie but everyone ISN’T ready for is a piss-poorly made one.

I’m probably gonna get a lot of hate from what I’m about to say, but I gotta say it. People are complaining about why aren’t there any female superhero movies (specifically from Marvel and DC). But frankly I think their complaints are far misplaced; what they should be complaining is why there aren’t any GOOD female superhero movies. I mean I’m all for a Black Widow movie or a Wonder Woman movie or a Power Girl movie or (possibly) a Wasp movie. But more importantly I’m all for a GOOD Black Widow movie and a GOOD Wonder Woman movie and a GOOD Wasp movie. Because let’s be honest movies like Supergirl (1984) and Catwoman (starting Halle Berry) were ungodly terrible whether in writing or the acting. What bothers me is that people has this go to explanation of why there aren’t any female superhero movies or why people don’t like them is because “oh well people just aren’t ready for a female superhero movie”. Which I respectfully disagree with that shallow explanation. Everyone IS ready for a female superhero movie but everyone ISN’T ready for is a piss-poorly made one. So whenever a female superhero movie comes around it’ll have the same probabilities of sucking as do any male superhero movie. Not because “people aren’t ready for a female superhero” but because of how the writing is or what direction of the movie is going or what it’s doing.

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