Sunday, June 12, 2011

Toon Closet Review: WildC.A.T.s

Hey everyone and welcome to my new segment called Toon Closet here on the Film Vindicator blog. This is where I review toons from American cartoons to Japanese anime whether good or god awful. So let's get started with the WildC.A.T.s, cartoons based on popular comic book characters have been the norm since the 40s. But the early 90s was the milestone for upstarted independent comic companies would get into comics to cartoons genre. One of which was Image Comics with one of comic series the WildC.A.T.s. The series came on the air in October 1, 1994, lasting only one season with only 13 episodes aired. The story goes that long when earth was still primitive two warring alien starships arrived that the orbit of Earth, the immortal humanoid Kherubims and the monstrous Daemonites. After sustaning heavy damage the two ships crashed on Earth, while the Daemonites went into hiding the Kherubims integrated with the naives. In present time a multi-millionaire and owner of the Halo Corporation Jacob Marlowe formed the Covert Action Team (C.A.Ts WildC.A.T.s) to fight the Daemonites after discovering Void the Kherubim starship's AI. Each member of the WildC.A.T.s is a human/Kherubim hybrid possessing genetic traits of Kherubim abilities. When the series went from comic to TV format there were a few chances to make the series family-friendly. BIG chances, such as the human character Jacob Marlowe is a Kherubim named Lord Emp in the comics. The character Voodoo was chance from an ex-stripper to an orphan ballet dancer, and Void is not a starship AI in the comics. Despite the big chances the series by itself is a good series, the plot is self-contain, there's tad of drama that doesn't oversaturate among the characters. And the overall voice-acting and animation is well standard, even though I never the comics back then I love this series. Looking back on it now to this day I still love it just the same as I love the Batman animated series or the X-Men animate series.

Final verdict if you grown up with comics that went to cartoons in the 90s this is the series for you. Don't even need to read the WildC.A.T.s comic to get in to it the series is self-explanatory. If you're lucky you can find the complete series on YouTube or you can buy it on DVD that was released by Funimation.

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