Saturday, April 16, 2011

The Film Vindicator Review: Skyline

So I watched this film the another day and I'm not gonna lie. As much it's a nice eye candy for action, destruction, and alien invasions the logic in this film is a bit of a mess.

Why do I say that? Well to start the aliens are pretty dumb when it comes to abducting people just to take their brains. I mean the film established that they could suck up everybody from the streets and buildings with no problems. And yet when the film is focusing on the main characters in the hotel it seems the aliens can't tell if there's anybody in the building unless they see the people in plain sight. I guess these aliens don't have the technology to look through walls or scan for life signs so they only have that blue light thing and hope that the humans are incredibly stupid to stare right at the light and walk towards the aliens. Hey here's an idea just suck up the entire city and move on. The continuity of the blue light is silly in one scene the light is coming through the blinds and the people in the room are perfectly fine. Not to mention one of the characters complained not to turn the T.V. on in case the blue light is coming through the T.V. I fail to see how this character was able to come up with that conclusion since they've not exactly test out that theory. The military don't seem to care or notice that there could be survivors and just go ahead and nuke the alien ship with any possible survivors inside the blast zone, good job. I'm going into spoiler territory here so feel free to stop reading. So during through movie the male lead was repeatedly exposed to the blue light to a point that his body starts changing at some point with some kind of explanation that repeating exposure would have random side effects. After the aliens abducted the two leads and the male lead's brain gets absorbed by one of the aliens that looks like the creatures from Half-Life. For some reason his brain takes over and now he has an alien body. I guess that entire expose made his brain immune to be absorbed. Then the film ends with alien male lead protecting his pregnant girlfriend from the other aliens obviously a sequel bate but I doubt there will be a sequel.

My verdict this film is a little bit worth watching if you enjoy those over the top alien mass destruction films these days, just don't expect this film to make any logically sense as soon as you start watching it. Next time I'm doing a double feature review, Best of the Best and Best of the Best 2.

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