Friday, December 31, 2010

New Year Eve Review 2010

So to bring in the new year here's a end of the year film and anime review. I haven't seen that many films this year and believe me I should have so here are the films I have seen.

Predators: This film may not be as epic than the first Predator but it does get a thumbs up in my book. To me Predators is one of the few films that's made by fans for fans, it's that perfect back to basics film that the AVP films have FAILED to do so. Seriously this film surpasses both of the Alien vs Predator films for what it is and that is Predators is a kinetic grindhouse sci-fi action film.

Iron Man 2: Well what can I say about this film it's a fun roller coaster ride of a sequel and really worth the watch. Oh yeah own it on DVD or Blu Ray.

Scott Pilgrim: It's one of those films that doesn't need any logic to get it. Just that it's so over the top in acting, plot, and action it does keep you laughing and entertain from beginning to end.

Splice: My only complaint is that I didn't see it in theaters. This film is right up there with my personal holy guilty pleasure trilogy of Lifeforce, Innocent Blood, and Species. Splice is really subtle film with plot, character, and delivery. In no way it doesn't feel like those cheesy b-movie you watch on the Sci-Fi channel. And the creature designs of Dren let me tell you...THANK YOU GUILLERMO DEL TORO! But seriously this film is amazing.

Black Swan: HOLY GOD...this film is just borderline hardcore film. It's just so tactile of what goes on and how it gets you cling to your seat to watch more. The performance from Natalie Portman is by far the most impressive acting she has ever done in her career. And to be honest the performance from Mila Kunis was surprisingly impressive her skills really does shine through unlike in other films she starred in. An A+++ performance from Mila in my book. At some scenes this film goes into David Cronenberg territory at a really subtle pace.

Now here some animes I've watched in 2010 some of them I've already reviewed.

Comic Party: I must say it was quite entertaining to watch. Now me as a starting comic creator this series has really touched a special place in my heart. The main characters are interesting and hilarious to watch from beginning to end and each have a distinct personalities. The whole of the series was all about first-person experience of creating comics and the difficult steps of achieving that goal of creating and selling comics. The way I see it for most up start comic creators can learn how to capture readers attention and what to expect at a comic convention.

Comic Party Revolution: The thirteen episode sequel of Comic Party, the story starts off as the main characters from the first series return as full fledged comic creators. And as just as hilarious as the first series with additional characters.

Project Blue Earth SOS: Far by a deeply compelling series with unique story and characters. Taking place in a futuristic version of the late 90s early 2000 where earth is being invaded by foreign lifeforms. It might sound cliche but trust me the revelation at the end of the series is surprising epic. The series itself has only six episodes but that seems to be a unique way of exposition the story in a 45 minute time frame in each episode. It doesn't feel too short and the series gets deeply intense with its action and driven character development.

Red Garden: Basically an anime equivalent of Buffy the Vampire Slayer but with deep tense drama that carries the series from beginning to end. The series revolves around four high school girls whom somehow can't recall what happen at the night when they were killed. Until a mysterious woman approach these girls and explained that they're already dead and they're resurrected in special borrowed bodies. The exposition of this transaction is later on through the series putting the girls at a crossroad of harsh understanding and acceptance. After the series ends there's a 45 minute epilogue episode where it's 300 years in the future and the girls from the series are still around as urban legend bounty hunters while having normal lives in school. The acting is a bit melodramatic but it's still worth to watch.

SHUFFLE!: I must it was quite entertaining. The last six episodes were all around insane but in a amazing way. I mean through the first 18 episodes were all cheeky hilarious comedy and then just before you know it gets emotionally dark. A complete 180 of crazy fucked up drama that'll make most soap operas look like chicken-shit. I deeply recommend watching SHUFFLE!

Dragonaut Resonance: Now this series is something else not sure on how to describe this series except that it's intense and the same time heartfelt. The story goes that earth is being invading by alien dragons which are from a nearby planetoid that's actually a dragon. To add these space dragons can take on human form. There's so much going I can't go into details but trust me it's worth watching. Just like Red Garden, Dragonaut Resonance has a bonus episode that's not quite in continuity of the series with all of its main characters. This bonus episode was meant to be hilarious therefore you'll might get a laugh out of it.

Ghost Hunt: Unlike those other paranormal reality shows, things are actually going on in Ghost Hunt. The series is about a group with different backgrounds investigating paranormal activities. Sure it sounds cliche but trust me this series got some standards that stands out from most paranormal animes. For one the main characters have certain set of skills to encounter and fend off spiritual forces. The interactions among the main characters differ between intense to down right hilarious.

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