Sunday, August 19, 2018

Hits & Misses: Spider-Man Homecoming

Hit: The Spider-Man theme music makes its appearance!

Vulture's origin story during the aftermath of the first Avengers movie.

 Damage Control!

Miss: Although this begs the question of where were Damage Control this whole time? Also how do we know they aren't Hydra? Me sense a retcon.

Hit: Civil War Recap from Peter Parker's perspective.

Hit: Sorry everyone but Tom Holland is the better Peter Parker/Spider-Man. All thanks to how the character was handled/written.

Real Talk: OK pay no attention to the race change, it doesn't bother me, it doesn't bother me, it doesn't bother me......

Miss: ....And it's bothering me, it's bothering me a lot! Why the hell is Flash Thompson a scrawny brown kid?!

Hit: Hi Shocker!

Miss: Bye Shocker....

Hit: Hi new Shocker!

Hit: Also see how they bring in multiple villains without being a clusterfuck to the story (i.e. Spider-Man 3).

Hit: Tony's new armor has the same color scheme from Ultimate Iron Man.

Real Talk: What's Tony doing in India?

Miss: I understand that Aunt May is pretty hot but dear god does everyone have a boner for her?!

Hit: Also Aunt May is hot.

Miss: "Penis Parker" What kinda insult is that? WEAK!

Miss: This Michelle character really disturbs me.

Hit: Vulture's motives are rather admirable for his character.

Hit: All the Spider-Man vs Vulture fight scenes.

Miss: Spidey makes an oopsie.

Hit: Mac Gargan

Miss: Ned has an ugly phone contact photo.

Real Talk: It would've been awesome if Spidey and Falcon team up against Vulture.

Real Talk: So with the new Avengers facility what's gonna happen to Avengers Tower?

Hit: Hi Pepper!

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