Sunday, February 17, 2019

Hits & Misses: The Incredibles 2

DISCLAIMER: When seeing the trailer I was worried that the film was gonna be all "progressive" in the most heavy handed style of storytelling possible. Thankfully the movie doesn't fall too deep into that abyss.

WARNING: If you're suffering from epilepsy caused by flashing lights, please watch this film with caution. 

Hit: Movie starts off where the first one ended.

LOL: Discount M.I.B. Neuralizer

Miss: The Underminer gets away and is never heard again throughout the movie.

Miss: Character(s) with traumatic backstory will be later revealed as obvious villain(s). I'm not that smart or anything I just have that ability to point out the obvious.

Miss: You mean no one in the family hasn't notice of Jack-Jack having powers since the last movie, how?

Hit: This movie has the best motorcycle scene since Akira.

Hit: That's one way to unitize stretchy powers while on a motorcycle.

LOL: Edna Mode happily agrees to babysit Jack-Jack. What goofy shenanigans could possibly happen?

Hit: Bob learns to be a father.

Hit: Holy crap there's more supers out there! I guess Syndrome didn't killed them all.

Miss: Obvious red herrings are obvious.

Hit: Superpower fight scenes.

Hit: This movie's gorgeous soundtrack.

Real Talk: A Super named Voyd. Someone's a fan of Portal.

Hit/LOL: Jack-Jack vs Raccoon

Hit: Johnny Quest!

LOL: Discount Drax

Hit: That Helen ass (yeah I know this a Pixar movie but still)!

Miss: Bob and Helen acting like helicopter parents.

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