Friday, March 20, 2020

Hits & Misses: Deadpool 2

Miss: Vanessa's dead....boooooo.....

Hit/LOL: Movie obviously ripping off the credit openings of James Bond.

Miss: No Stan Lee Cameo.

LOL: Wade: "At least we still have Bowie."
Yes Wade, we "still" have David Bowie. HA HA HA HA!!!

Miss: Russel Collins...annoying as f**k.

Hit: Black Tom Cassidy

Miss: This movie had the opportunity to do a Terminator joke/reference as Cable arrived at present day and didn't do it. And no that John Conner reference doesn't count.

Hit: Gotta give credit to the prosthetic/make-up effects of Cable's cybernetics.

Hit: Cable: "Dubstep's for pussy"

Miss: Bedlam, Vanisher, Shatterstar and Zeitgeist. Introduced in the movie only to get killed off a few scenes later. Talk about meaningless.

Hit: I don't agree with Domino being black but the actress is really good.

Miss: Damn....bye Black Tom....

Hit: Juggernaut done right....suck it X-Men 3.

Miss: Sadly he doesn't say "I'm the Juggernaut, bitch".

Miss: Baby legs....

Hit: Colossus vs Juggernaut

Hit: Colossus fights dirty.

Miss: The most embarrassing defeat of the Juggernaut, ever....

Real Talk: Deadpool with a time machine, what can possibly go wrong?

Hit/Miss: This is the closest Deadpool/Wolverine moment you're gonna get in the movie.